About the School
ANY young person from ANY background deserves an EQUAL chance to be successful in whatever they choose to do. -Trust VisionTrust Vision
ANY young person from ANY background deserves an EQUAL chance to be successful in whatever they choose to do.
Hallam Fields Vision
We are a school that has the children at the heart of every decision made.
We aim:
- To inspire a lifelong love of learning as we are a community of learners of all ages.
- To treat each child as an individual and provide equal opportunities for all to learn.
- To support every child’s needs, emotional and well-being as well as having high learning aspirations.
- To collaborate with parents to work together to build a learning community which inspires children to develop their love of learning in all areas of their lives.
We believe that developing children’s character is as important as securing their academic achievement. We celebrate making mistakes and learning from them.
We listen to what children have to say and work with them to make the school the best it can be.
Our school and Trust ethos is demonstrated through the 6Rs
- Honesty and Trust
- Interdependence
- Collaboration
- Empathy and Listening
- Imitation
- Taking care of yourself and others
- Accountability
- Decision-making
- Being dependable
- Absorption
- Managing distractions
- Noticing / observing
- Perseverance
- Questioning
- Making links
- Imagining
- Reasoning
- Using resources
- Planning
- Reflecting
- Evaluating
- Meta-learning (thinking about how I learn)
- Collaboration
- Invested
- Empathy
- Imitation
For more information on our 6Rs, please click here.
We recognise the value that comes from being a Birstall school, with all the networking and partnership opportunities this brings.