Year 3

Welcome to Fox Class!

Our teacher in Fox Class is Mrs Colman. Mrs Colman’s favourite subject is PE but she also loves reading. She has a black and white cat called Mishka who she always talks about.

Year 3 is a super important year as it is the first year of Key Stage Two. We learn about lots of fun topics throughout the year: Life all around us, Under Attack, and Natural Disasters. During Year 3, we practice our reading skills by improving our reading stamina and using our retrieval and inference skills to answer comprehension questions. In writing, we ensure we are writing to fit a purpose and audience using conjunctions and fronted adverbial phrases. In Maths, we learn and practice our 3, 4 and 8 timetables and practice column methods for arithmetic.

Our PE days are Monday and Fridays so please send your child to school in their PE kits (a plain red t-shirt with black shorts or leggings and suitable shoes).

See our Welcome to Year 3 Presentation here

Useful learning websites

Spooky Spellings -
Times Table Rockstars –
Hit the Button -
Scratch (computing) –
Hour of code -
Bitesize -