Year 2

Welcome to Hedgehog Class!

In Hedgehog Class our adults are:

Mrs Akiens - our class teacher. Mrs Akiens loves reading and helping us to learn new things. She also has an adorable dog called Stanley!

Ms Sorrell- Our class teaching assistant. She enjoys being creative and supporting the children in all subjects, especially Art.

Year 2 is a very important year group, we are at the end of Key Stage One. In Year 2,  we learn lots of fun topics: Castles, Knights and Dragons, Protecting Planet Earth and The Great Fire of London. We work hard to improve our fluency in reading and develop comprehension skills: vocabulary, inference, prediction, explanation, retrieval and sequencing and summarising (VIPERS). In writing, we begin to use interesting adjectives to describe, conjunctions to add detail to our writing and ensuring we are writing in the correct tense. We also begin to use commas in our work! Year 2 maths is exciting and in lessons we will be learning our 2, 5 and 10 times tables, as well as practising our addition and subtraction of 2-digit numbers.

Our PE days are Tuesday and Wednesday so please send your child to school in their PE kits - please remember, no jewellery.

See our Welcome to Year 2 Presentation here

Below are some helpful websites to use at home to help your child’s learning.

Useful learning websites

Times Table Rock Stars -
Hit the Button -
Phonics Play -
BBC Bitesize - 
EdShed -