March 31, 2023

Hallam Fields EYFS Trip to Stonehurst Farm

This week, Rabbit class from Hallam Fields took a trip to Stonehurst Farm in Mountsorrel, and it was an exciting experience for everyone involved. The children had been studying the life cycles of a chick and a frog in their lessons, and they were thrilled to see baby chicks at the farm. 

The trip was also a chance for the children to learn about spring, and they were delighted to see the farm's new arrivals. The lambs, piglets, and baby Guinea pigs were a particular highlight, and the children were able to see these adorable creatures up close. They were able to learn about the different animals and their roles on the farm, as well as how the farm works to produce food and care for the animals. 

Overall, the trip was a fantastic opportunity for the children to connect with nature and learn more about the world around them in a hands-on way. We look forward to many more exciting trips like this in the future.