June 21, 2024

Less Litter for Leicester Campaign

During May and June, pupils at Hallam Fields Primary School had great fun taking part in the ‘Less Litter for Leicester’ campaign.

The initiative encourages local schools – primary and secondary – to collect rubbish and raise awareness about litter pollution.

Each class – from Year 1 to Year 6 – completed one litter pick of the school grounds and afterwards we weighed how much they had managed to collect. A huge shout out to the Fox Class in Year 3 who acquired 10kg of rubbish, nearly half of the school’s combined 25.5kg total!

The children were surprised at just how much litter they were able to accrue; they were especially shocked to find a discarded wine bottle wedged underneath a school fence on the edge of the field!

“We thought that it was important to get all children involved to raise awareness of the problem of litter,” explained Mrs Palmer.

“We collected a surprisingly large amount of litter [and] it has inspired children to litter pick at breaktimes.​”

To ensure the rubbish did not go to waste, a host of colourful plastic bottles were washed and then used to create a fantastic mural of the Hallam Fields logo.

This event not only made the children more aware about litter pollution, but it will also go a long way to ensuring the school Eco Club are able to achieve the Green Flag with either Merit or Distinction, an accolade they firmly have their eyes set on. Watch this space!


The final standings from the class litter picks were:


Weight of litter

Year 1


Year 2


Year 3


Year 4


Year 5


Year 6
