February 24, 2023

Spring Half Term Round Up at Hallam Fields Primary School

The first half of the spring term at Hallam Fields Primary School has been full of exciting activities and events. Here are some highlights from the term: 

100 Days in Rabbit Class 

On Monday 13th February, Rabbit class celebrated their 100th day at school by dressing up as 100-year-olds. During the day, they learned about how schools were different in the past and what they enjoyed doing at school. They even drew pictures and wrote sentences about their favorite things. 

Forest School  

The children at Hallam Fields Primary School have been busy learning about nature and the environment through Forest School activities. They have made mini hanging bug houses and an outdoor musical instrument using recycled and natural materials. To end this half term, they learned to light a fire using a flint and steel. The children thoroughly enjoyed all the activities and were fully engaged in every task. 

Multiplication Tables Events  

Parents were invited to a presentation on how multiplication tables are taught in school. They were then given the opportunity to see multiplication table lessons in action and work with their children in class. Parents left with plenty of ideas on how to support their children at home. 

Eco Schools Green Flag  

The Eco Ambassadors at Hallam Fields Primary School completed an environmental review and chose three areas to focus on this year: biodiversity, litter, and energy. They delivered an assembly to the school to inform them about the review and action plan. 

Overall, it has been a busy and productive spring half term at Hallam Fields Primary School. The children have had many opportunities to learn and grow, and we are proud of their achievements.